OLS-3 schedule

Eric Rothermel (CC BY)

Table of content

During the program,

  • Mentors and mentees meet every 2 weeks for a 30 minutes call
  • Mentees participate every ~2 weeks to 90-minutes cohort calls during which the program leaders introduce new topics and resources, facilitate break-out discussions, and invite experts from the field to give talks
  • Mentees can participate to skill-up, Q&A or coworking sessions in the weeks without cohort calls
  • Mentors take part in mentoring workshop and calls

Organizers will inform participants of the week schedule by email.

Subscribe to the OLS calendar

Week Call Date Topic Agenda
Week 01 (start. February 08, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor! Meet each other and discuss your personal motivation, expectations, working practices and project goals
  Mentor February 8, 2021 (17:30 Universal Time) Mentor training  
  Mentor February 9, 2021 (14:00 Universal Time) Mentor training  
Week 02 (start. February 15, 2021) Cohort February 17, 2021 (12:30 Universal Time) Welcome to Open Life Science! Meet other members of your cohort, Share project vision, Intro to working openly (open canvas)
Week 03 (start. February 22, 2021) Mentor February 22, 2021 (09:00 Universal Time) Mentoring workshop  
  Mentor February 23, 2021 (17:00 Universal Time) Mentoring workshop  
  Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor! Discuss assignments from the cohort call & concrete implementations
  Coworking February 24, 2021 (17:00 Universal Time) Open office hour, coworking on assignments, knowledge exchange and networking  
Week 04 (start. March 01, 2021) Cohort March 03, 2021 (17:00 Universal Time) Tooling and roadmapping for Open projects Working with GitHub as a community hub: Markdown as a tool to make websites, Licence, Goals and Roadmap, Contributors, Code of Conduct
Week 05 (start. March 08, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor!  
  Cohort March 10, 2021 (12:30 Universal Time) Skill-up: GitHub tutorial for beginners  
  Skill-up March 10, 2021 (12:30 Universal Time) GitHub tutorial for beginners  
Week 06 (start. March 15, 2021) Cohort March 17, 2021 (12:30 Universal Time) Open Science I: Project Development Developing Open Projects: Iterative and agile project management, Open- Source, Software, Hardware, Data
Week 07 (start. March 22, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor!  
  Mentor   Mentor training  
  Coworking March 24, 2021 (17:00 Universal Time) Open office hour, coworking on assignments, knowledge exchange and networking  
Week 08 (start. March 31, 2021) Cohort March 31, 2021 (16:00 Universal Time) Open Science II: Knowledge Dissemination Sharing Open Project: Preprint publications, DOI and citation, Open protocols, Open Education & Training
Week 09 (start. April 05, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor!  
  Skill-up April 07, 2021 (11:30 Universal Time) Personal Ecology and Ally Skills  
Week 10 (start. April 12, 2021) Cohort April 14, 2021 (11:30 Universal Time) Open Science III: Next steps - applying FAIR research principles FAIRification of existing or mature projects, etc
Week 11 (start. April 19, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor!  
  Coworking April 21, 2021 (16:00 Universal Time) Open office hour, coworking on assignments, knowledge exchange and networking  
Week 12 (start. April 26, 2021) Cohort April 28, 2021 (16:00 Universal Time) Open Leadership: Academia, industry and beyond!  
Week 13 (start. May 03, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor!  
  Cohort May 05, 2021 (11:30 Universal Time) Sketchnoting and visual storytelling  
  Skill-up May 05, 2021 (11:30 Universal Time) Sketchnoting and visual storytelling  
Week 14 (start. May 10, 2021) Cohort May 12, 2021 (11:30 Universal Time) Designing & Empowering for inclusivity Personas and pathways for contributors, Implicit bias & Community interactions
Week 15 (start. May 17, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   Meet your mentor! Preparation for the final demos
  Cohort May 18, 2021 (07:00 Universal Time) Final presentation rehearsal - Group 1  
  Cohort May 19, 2021 (12:00 Universal Time) Final presentation rehearsal - Group 2  
  Cohort May 20, 2021 (15:00 Universal Time) Final presentation rehearsal - Group 3  
Week 16 (start. May 24, 2021) Cohort   Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 1 5-minute demos of projects (Audience: entire community & public, Open and recorded call)
  Cohort   Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 2 5-minute demos of projects (Audience: entire community & public, Open and recorded call)
  Cohort   Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 2 5-minute demos of projects (Audience: entire community & public, Open and recorded call)
  Mentor   Mentor wrap up  

Week 01

Week starting on February 08, 2021

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on February 08, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

In this call

This is your first meeting with your OLS mentor. This call should include you and your mentor. If you are working on a team of up to (and no more than) 3 registered participants, you can all meet together with your mentor.

These 30-minute meetings will happen every other week during OLS. The default time is during your cohort call time. Your mentor will reach out to you this week to confirm when and where you’ll be meeting.

In your first meeting with your mentor, introduce yourselves and then:

  • Make sure you have your GitHub account set up
  • Review your self-assessment
  • Set 1-2 personal open science goals for yourself
  • Set 1-2 open culture goals for your community, organization, or project

Document your goals in your shared notes; you will return to these goals frequently to assess your progress towards meeting them.

Before the call

    • Create an account on GitHub
    • Complete your own copy of the open leadership self-assessment and share it with your mentor

      If you’re a group, each teammate should complete this assessment individually. This is here to help you set your own personal goals during the program. No need to share your results, but be ready to share your thoughts with your mentor.

    • Make sure you know when and how you’ll be meeting with your mentor


After the call

    • Create an issue on the OLS-3 GitHub repository for your OLS work and share the link with your mentor
    • Draft a brief vision statement using your goals

      This lesson from the Open Leadership Training Series (OLTS) might be helpful

      You might address:

      • The problem you’re trying to solve.
      • How you think openness and open leadership will help solve it.
      • How meeting your personal goals will help you and help solve the problem.
      • How meeting your cultural goals for your community, organization, or project will help solve the problem.
    • Add your vision statement to your GitHub issue
    • Check the Syllabus for notes and connection info for all the cohort calls


Mentor call: Mentor training

Date: February 8, 2021, at 17:30 Universal Time

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During our first mentor training onboarding session, you will:

  • Understand common successes and challenges in mentoring OLS participants.
  • Know how to celebrate successes and approach challenges in mentoring OLS participants.

Mentor call: Mentor training

Date: February 9, 2021, at 14:00 Universal Time

Duration: 60 min

In this call

(This session is identical to the session the previous day). During our first mentor training onboarding session, you will:

  • Understand common successes and challenges in mentoring OLS participants.
  • Know how to celebrate successes and approach challenges in mentoring OLS participants.

Week 02

Week starting on February 15, 2021

Cohort call: Welcome to Open Life Science!

Date: February 17, 2021, at 12:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

Hosts: Bérénice Batut, Yo Yehudi, Malvika Sharan, Emmy Tsang

In this call

During our first cohort call, we will:

  • Say hello and introduce ourselves.
  • Review our Community Participation Guidelines.
  • Review our definition of open leadership.
  • Unpack the differences between “open by default” and “open by design”
  • Learn about common community interactions in open projects.
  • Learn about common value exchanges between community members in open science

Haven’t heard from your mentor yet? Let us know.

Before the call

    • Add your vision statement to your GitHub issue.


After the call

    • Look up two other projects and comment on their issues with feedback on their vision statement
    • Complete this compare and contrast assignment about current and desired community interactions and value exchanges
    • Complete your Open Canvas (instructions, canvas)
    • Share a link to your Open Canvas in your GitHub issue
    • Start your Roadmap
    • Comment on your issue with your draft Roadmap
    • Suggest a cohort name at the bottom of the shared notes and vote on your favorite with a +1


Week 03

Week starting on February 22, 2021

Mentor call: Mentoring workshop

Date: February 22, 2021, at 09:00 Universal Time

Duration: 180 min

Mentor call: Mentoring workshop

Date: February 23, 2021, at 17:00 Universal Time

Duration: 180 min

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on February 22, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

In this call

During this week’s mentor meeting, you will:

  • Establish a check-in ritual.
  • Establish a gratitude ritual.
  • Review your goals and any progress you’ve made towards them.
  • Review your community interactions and value exchanges assignment.
  • Review your repo and get any help you need adding your vision statement, open canvas, and open license to it.
  • Identify any experts you’d like to invite to your next mentor meeting.

Haven’t heard from your mentor yet? Let us know.

Before the call

    • Complete your week 2 assignments.


After the call

    • Complete any week 2 assignments that you have left to do
    • Look up two other projects and comment on their GitHub issues with feedback on their open canvas
    • Rework on your vision statement
      • Write your vision in the Up-Goer 5 editor
      • Refine it with the editor’s help
      • Paste it in your GitHub issue
      • Read it to the Breakout room friends during the next call and hear their feedback :)
      • Other possibility: Hemingway Editor


Coworking call: Open office hour, coworking on assignments, knowledge exchange and networking

Date: February 24, 2021, at 17:00 Universal Time

Duration: 30 min

In this call

During this week’s coworking call, you will:

  • take some time to get to know each other over informal networking opportunity
  • start coworking session

Before the call

    • Brew yourself a nice tea, coffee, or any drink of your choice and bring them along to this call.


After the call

    • Continue on with your project, and connect with others on Slack or other social media platforms.


Week 04

Week starting on March 01, 2021

Cohort call: Tooling and roadmapping for Open projects

Date: March 03, 2021, at 17:00 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

Hosts: Yo Yehudi, Malvika Sharan, Emmy Tsang

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Look at project structure as we build open projects
  • Go over the standard files in open projects
    • README

    The exact project structure and files used may look different on your project.

Before the call

    • Look up two other projects and comment on their GitHub issues with feedback on their open canvas
    • Rework on your vision statement
      • Write your vision in the Up-Goer 5 editor
      • Refine it with the editor’s help
      • Paste it in your GitHub issue
      • Read it to the Breakout room friends during the next call and hear their feedback :)
      • Other possibility: Hemingway Editor


After the call

    • Create a GitHub repository for your project
    • Add the link to your repository in your issue
    • Use your canvas to start writing a README.md file, or landing page, for your project
    • Link your README in a comment on this issue
    • Add an open license to your repository as a file called LICENSE.md
    • Add a Code of Conduct to your repository as a file called CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
    • Check the Friendly GitHub Intro


Week 05

Week starting on March 08, 2021

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on March 08, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

Before the call

    • Complete your week 4 assignments


After the call

    • Complete any week 4 assignments that you have left to do.


Cohort call: Skill-up: GitHub tutorial for beginners

Date: March 10, 2021, at 12:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

Hosts: Yo Yehudi, Malvika Sharan, Bérénice Batut

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will give you an optional 1 hour GitHub tutorial covering:

  • Creating a repository
  • Writing in Markdown
  • Creating a README file
  • Enabling a small website via GitHub
  • Managing issues and labels
  • Submit changes via Pull Request

Before the call


Skill-up call: GitHub tutorial for beginners

Date: March 10, 2021, at 12:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min



Week 06

Week starting on March 15, 2021

Cohort call: Open Science I: Project Development

Date: March 17, 2021, at 12:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

Hosts: Malvika Sharan, Bérénice Batut, Emmy Tsang

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will cover :

  • Agile and iterative project management methods
  • Open Source Software
  • Open Hardware
  • Open Data

Before the call

    • Look up two other projects and comment on their issues with feedback on their README


After the call


Week 07

Week starting on March 22, 2021

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on March 22, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

Before the call

    • Complete your week 6 assignments.


After the call

    • Complete any week 6 assignments that you have left to do.


Mentor call: Mentor training

Date: During the week starting on March 22, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During our first cohort call, you will:

  • Share your experience been so far as a mentor in OLS-1
  • Learn about the GROW model

Coworking call: Open office hour, coworking on assignments, knowledge exchange and networking

Date: March 24, 2021, at 17:00 Universal Time

Duration: 30 min

In this call

During this week’s coworking call, you will:

  • take some time to get to know each other over informal networking opportunity
  • start coworking session

Before the call

    • Brew yourself a nice tea, coffee, or any drink of your choice and bring them along to this call.


After the call

    • Continue on with your project, and connect with others on Slack or other social media platforms.


Week 08

Week starting on March 31, 2021

Cohort call: Open Science II: Knowledge Dissemination

Date: March 31, 2021, at 16:00 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Preprint publications, DOI and citation
  • Open protocols
  • Citizen Science

Before the call

    • Create a project development plan for your project
    • You can transfer your tasks to a project management or kanban tools such as GitHub projects (short intro), Trello, Asana, Zenhub in GitHub
    • Make sure that by now you have added a license, contribution guideline and a Code of Conduct in your GitHub repository. If you feel stuck and don’t know where you start, take a look at this repo
    • Look up two other projects and comment on their issue with feedback on their project


Week 09

Week starting on April 05, 2021

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on April 05, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

Skill-up call: Personal Ecology and Ally Skills

Date: April 07, 2021, at 11:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will hold a skill-up session on Personal Ecology and Ally Skills:

  • Discuss the importance of taking care your our mental health and avoiding burn out for both project leaders and community members
  • Understanding our societal privileges and stepping up for our colleagues and community as an ally

Before the call

    • Personal Ecology and self care

      Think about how you might briefly answer the following questions

      • Imagine your most fulfilling day at work. Think of 3 word-pairs to describe it.
      • Imagine your most Unfulfilling day at work. Think of 3 word-pairs to describe it.

      The big idea: identify the most fulfilling conditions under which you thrive - sustain them; identify the least fulfilling conditions that frustrate you - avoid them.

    • Preparing for the Ally Skills

      Think how people step up for you in social scenarios and how you step up for them to support each othe:

      • What do your colleagues do to make your workplace inclusive for you?
      • What do you do to make your workplace inclusive for them?

      The big idea: Based on your experience, what would you consider doing to make your project inclusive for your contributors or team members?


Week 10

Week starting on April 12, 2021

Cohort call: Open Science III: Next steps - applying FAIR research principles

Date: April 14, 2021, at 11:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will discuss how to apply FAIR research principles on data, software, training

FAIR stands for findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable. The ideal is that research should be “as open as possible, as restricted as necessary.”

After the call

  • Think about and plan to apply FAIR principles to your project in your own time

Week 11

Week starting on April 19, 2021

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on April 19, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

Coworking call: Open office hour, coworking on assignments, knowledge exchange and networking

Date: April 21, 2021, at 16:00 Universal Time

Duration: 30 min

In this call

During this week’s coworking call, you will:

  • take some time to get to know each other over informal networking opportunity
  • start coworking session

Before the call

    • Brew yourself a nice tea, coffee, or any drink of your choice and bring them along to this call.


After the call

    • Continue on with your project, and connect with others on Slack or other social media platforms.


Week 12

Week starting on April 26, 2021

Cohort call: Open Leadership: Academia, industry and beyond!

Date: April 28, 2021, at 16:00 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Hear from the professionals from different career paths
  • Ask them questions about their careers
  • Share worries/insecurities related to your work and tips that you use to overcome them

Before the call

  • A few days before the event, think about how you might briefly answer the following questions (ref: https://www.bu.edu/lernet/pathways/organizers/panel.html):

  • how did you choose your career ?
  • what did you study to prepare ?
  • what do you actually do at work on a typical day ?
  • have you ever felt discriminated against (e.g. due to gender, race, ethnicity…) and how did you respond ?
  • do you have a life outside your work ? a family ? hobbies ?
  • what advice would you give someone wanting to enter your field ?
  • on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most), how much do you enjoy your current work?
  • do you want to switch your career or field? Why or why not?



Week 13

Week starting on May 03, 2021

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on May 03, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

Cohort call: Sketchnoting and visual storytelling

Date: May 05, 2021, at 11:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

In this call

During this week’s coworking call, you will:

  • Learn about sketchnoting, a way to tell stories visually
  • Have some fun!

Before the call

    • Brew yourself a nice tea, coffee, or any drink of your choice and bring them along to this call.




After the call

    • Continue on with your project, and connect with others on Slack or other social media platforms.


Skill-up call: Sketchnoting and visual storytelling

Date: May 05, 2021, at 11:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min



Week 14

Week starting on May 10, 2021

Cohort call: Designing & Empowering for inclusivity

Date: May 12, 2021, at 11:30 Universal Time

Duration: 90 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Implicit bias, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Mountain of engagement and community interactions
  • Personas and pathways and welcoming new contributors

After the call

    • Personas & pathways assignment
    • Think through community interactions
    • Complete the midterm survey


Week 15

Week starting on May 17, 2021

Mentor-Mentee call: Meet your mentor!

Date: During the week starting on May 17, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 30 min

In this call

During this week’s mentor meeting, you will:

  • Review your project with your mentor
  • Thank your mentor if this is your last mentor call in OLS-2.

Before the call

    • Review your project and identify important aspects that you can discuss with your mentor


Cohort call: Final presentation rehearsal - Group 1

Date: May 18, 2021, at 07:00 Universal Time

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Learn about giving and receiving feedback
  • Conduct rehearsal for the final presentation from the project leads registered

Before the call

    • Come prepared to share a 5 mins presentation of your project

      Your presentation can be in the form of a demo, short 1-2 slides presentation or walk through your website

      This could also be only the highlights from your presentation

      Use this HackMD template to guide your talk (OLS team should have shared link to your project HackMD via email)




After the call

    • Integrate changes suggested in this call to your final talk of 5 minutes to be presented a week later


Cohort call: Final presentation rehearsal - Group 2

Date: May 19, 2021, at 12:00 Universal Time

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Learn about giving and receiving feedback
  • Conduct rehearsal for the final presentation from the project leads registered

Before the call

    • Come prepared to share a 5 mins presentation of your project

      Your presentation can be in the form of a demo, short 1-2 slides presentation or walk through your website

      This could also be only the highlights from your presentation

      Use this HackMD template to guide your talk (OLS team should have shared link to your project HackMD via email)




After the call

    • Integrate changes suggested in this call to your final talk of 5 minutes to be presented a week later


Cohort call: Final presentation rehearsal - Group 3

Date: May 20, 2021, at 15:00 Universal Time

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Learn about giving and receiving feedback
  • Conduct rehearsal for the final presentation from the project leads registered

Before the call

    • Come prepared to share a 5 mins presentation of your project

      Your presentation can be in the form of a demo, short 1-2 slides presentation or walk through your website

      This could also be only the highlights from your presentation

      Use this HackMD template to guide your talk (OLS team should have shared link to your project HackMD via email)




After the call

    • Integrate changes suggested in this call to your final talk of 5 minutes to be presented a week later


Week 16

Week starting on May 24, 2021

Cohort call: Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 1

Date: During the week starting on May 24, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Witness the final presentations from the project leads registered in Group 1 and see them graduate.

Before the call

    • Come prepared to share a 5 mins presentation of your project

      Your presentation can be in the form of a demo, short presentation or a walk through your website




After the call

    • Celebrate your graduation from OLS-3!


Cohort call: Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 2

Date: During the week starting on May 24, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Witness the final presentations from the project leads registered in Group 1 and see them graduate.

Before the call

    • Come prepared to share a 5 mins presentation of your project

      Your presentation can be in the form of a demo, short presentation or a walk through your website




After the call

    • Celebrate your graduation from OLS-3!


Cohort call: Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 2

Date: During the week starting on May 24, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During this week’s cohort call, we will:

  • Witness the final presentations from the project leads registered in Group 1 and see them graduate.

Before the call

    • Come prepared to share a 5 mins presentation of your project

      Your presentation can be in the form of a demo, short presentation or a walk through your website




After the call

    • Celebrate your graduation from OLS-3!


Mentor call: Mentor wrap up

Date: During the week starting on May 24, 2021 (to define with mentors)

Duration: 60 min

In this call

During our first cohort call, we will:

  • Wrap-up the cohort
  • Discuss how we can improve the program